Here we have a few odds and ends that we've been passing the time with.
Richard has been working on a few cocktail recipes. Out of all of his deliciously potent creations, "Guava Pullava" and "Tomato Juice" (which contains no tomatoes and isn't red) are my favourites. It's become something of a hobby for him actually and he's become quite the expert as we can see here.
Often Mr Snabel's cocktail habit can lead to impromptu haircuts as this snap shows. Don't worry, despite Jon's sour expression he was more than happy with his new style.
Here is a picture of a picture of us.
If you're familiar with the really rather excellent Is Tropical, you'll know their famed for their poor sense of direction. Here is a simple way of making sure they find their way back to your house when they stay over. Rascals!
This is how we end most gigs and how we are ending this entry.